Other Ways to Connect
The American Restoration Tour with David Barton & Chad Connelly
Join us Sunday, September 29 at 6:00 pm and hear from David Barton and Chad Connelly with the American Restoration Tour.
Watch This Video
Check out this video and learn more about how People's Baptist Church can help you grow as we follow Jesus together. Our vision at People’s is to offer a family oriented atmosphere to present God’s truth in relevant lessons.
I’m New Here
If it's your first time visiting our church either in person or online, we'd love to connect with you! Let us know a little bit about you and your family, and how we can best serve you.
Why Follow Jesus?
You’ll be amazed at what He can do with your life! Our heart’s passion is for people to find God’s love and forgiveness. We want to see lives transformed into lives full of purpose in following Jesus. We want you to be overwhelmed with His love. Follow Jesus with us!
Watch Online
Going to church is a big commitment. If you’re not ready to attend, join us online by checking out a recent sermon preached at our church. You can watch live Sundays at 10:45 AM and 6 PM as well as Wednesdays at 7 PM.
What to Expect
We hope your first visit to our church will be refreshing, friendly, and enjoyable for your whole family as you experience inspiring music, helpful teaching and preaching, friendly people, and a place where you feel welcome and at home!
Plan a Visit
We look forward to having you join us for worship and would love to present you with a free gift when you get here!
You Belong Here
“Becoming a member of People’s Baptist Church was an answer to prayer! While attending East Carolina University, our hope was to continue our walk with the Lord and serve in a local church. During our time here, we can truly say that we were...
Adult Ministry
We provide a wide variety of opportunities for personal growth from the newest believer to those with years of experience.
It hurts to lose someone. Find help at GriefShare, a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone.
College Ministry
We are a group of young adults who love Jesus Christ and desire to serve Him. Our focus is on cultivating a deeper love for God and His Word. We desire follow Jesus Christ unashamedly in today’s world while connecting with other young adults to make lasting friendships.
Children’s Ministry
We are passionate about reaching the next generation for Christ. When a young person is raised being taught that he is loved by God and created by Him for a purpose, it can make a difference to a family for generations to come.
Student Ministry
More than ever, teens need to be accepted where they are and given a chance to grow through God’s Word.
Our School
For nearly 50 years, families have chosen Greenville Christian Academy to provide their children with a quality Christian education in a warm, friendly atmosphere.
Upcoming Events
Check out what’s coming up on the calendar at our church.
Give Online
If you call our church home, you can worship through giving in person or online.